DBI360 ("DBI360", "we" or "us") offers a business intelligence platform through which businesses or firms ("users", "you") that use it can acquire information to assist them in better handling of potential prospects and others who show their interest in them. We may provide other features as well. If you are inquisitive about the rights that are applicable to the information you submit to us or which we gather from you and use, please study this Privacy Policy document carefully.

Information We Use to Provide Data

We collect various information from a wide range of sources, including our Users and the information you provide to us. In addition, our users may provide a variety of information to us through our portal.

This includes:
  • We provide users' personal contact information such as name, email address and telephone number.
  • We provide information stating our users' business contacts, such as their (or their company's) contacts list or customer list. Our users' information is governed by our well-defined Terms of Service and/or our other pacts with those users.
  • If we are providing a payment option, we may collect some payment data.
  • Likewise, we may request the users to provide additional information when they set up an account on our portal.

Suppose you buy one of our online subscription-based services. In that case, you may be expected to provide payment and/or credit card details and other information to validate your payment and identity. We will only use those details to fulfill your transaction.

Information We Acquire from Other Sources

We may also obtain information from trusted third-party sources, such as data providers or from public sources and methods, such as particulars available on public APIs and the internet.

Information We Collect Automatically

We also collect a wide range of information from our users when they visit our web portal.

First, if you visit our web portal (or open an email that we dispatch to you), we and some third parties may collect some information about you or your device. These include technologies such as cookies, server logs, Web beacons and JavaScript, as well as the collection of data from mobile devices.

Cookie Policy

Cookies are files that websites or portals create and access on your PC or other devices connected with the internet to uniquely identify your web browser or to store certain information or some settings on your gadget. We may use HTTP, HTML5, Flash or other types of cookies. While accessing, your browser may notify you when you receive a certain type of cookie and how to restrict or disable them. Please note, however, that without the usage of cookies or any local storage, you may be restricted from using all the features of our website or web portal.

Use of Website or Web Portal Information
a. How We Use the Website Information

We use the Website Information for improvement, maintenance purpose like as follows:

  • Understanding or analyzing how you use the portal and how we might make improvements and changes in them.
  • Verifying your identity and establishing your account.
  • Sending emails, updates, newsletters and other information.
  • Sending advertisements when you visit other websites or portals. Creation, delivering and studying the potency of advertising and promotional material and performing other analytics.
b. Additional Uses of Information.

We also may use Website Information for

  • Safety and security purposes and for
  • investigation, prevention or acting regarding unlawful activities or malpractices, including potential threats to the physical wellbeing of a person, potential fraud and breaching of our Terms of Service.
Sharing of Your Information

We may share the information with the following parties:

  • Companies that work for us, with us or on our behalf include advertising and different data platforms and companies (or those working in unison with our customers and business partners), those providing technical infrastructure and customer support, hosting providers, billing support and payment gateways.
  • Companies working with our subsidiaries.
  • It is related to efforts for detecting and addressing frauds, credit risks and security or technical issues.
  • When we anticipate that such sharing is necessary to prevent, investigate or act against possible malpractices or to ensure compliance with legal processes or requirements.
  • In accordance with certain significant events, For example, we may share or divulge the information we possess regarding you in the event of selling or transferring all or a part of our business or our assets — such as related with a merger, acquisition, reorganization, dissolution, bankruptcy or liquidation — or in anticipation of such an event.
  • We deem that divulging the details appropriate for safeguarding the rights, property etc. of us, our employees, other users or any other person or entity, such as law enforcement, government agencies, courts or other parties.
  • In any other situations, we may share data where we have your consent or are otherwise permitted by the law to share it.
Your preferences and removing your personal content and information

We may offer some self-serving options for helping you to update your account information and putting your preferences.

If you are a consumer who does not want your personal information to be included in any of the services or data output that we are offering, please unhesitatingly email us at. We will protect your information and withhold it from being sent to our customers. However, please note that this does not mean the removal of your data from the databases of other parties (such as our customers or other data providers) who may already be holding your data.

Deleting Your Account

For deletion of your account, please drop an email using your registered Email ID. We reserve the right to completely remove your account from our systems with immediate effect or at a time following the receiving of the particular request or to hold a record of your account for some stipulated time for legitimate business causes or as directed by the law. In some situations, the deletion process may consume some time. Account deletion may not (and most likely will not) ensure the entire or absolute removal of your content or the information you put on or submitted to us.


We recognize the importance of the security of information we are collecting, but we are not able to guarantee that our measures of security will eradicate all security risks or avoid any other security breaches. When you fill in the information with us, you are doing so at your own risk. Please assist in doing your part by taking certain steps such as

  • using a unique and strong password that you may not replicate elsewhere,
  • protecting the privacy of your password and periodically altering it,
  • accessing us only through trusted devices that have the latest operating system and security measures installed and
  • notifying us of any suspicious activity or any privacy breach of your login credentials.

Taking these steps may help decrease the risk or effect of some security threats.

Third Party Links and Services

The web portal may have links to third-party applications, websites or services and may also consist of cookies and other third-party content and features. Clicking on these links or viewing or simply interacting with any of these may result in the gathering, usage and sharing of information about yourself by these third parties. We are not to be held responsible or accountable for any of these third parties' security, content or practices. The information you desire to supply to or that is collected by them is not encompassed within our Privacy Policy – you are requested to review the particular parties' terms and policies to determine how the information they gather from you will be used.

International Customers

You are privy to the fact that your personal information and the information you fill in with us may be processed in countries (including the United States) where laws and regulations regarding the processing of personal data may be less rigid than in the country of your residence.

You may refrain from providing information to us unless you have the valid consent required by the country in which the information was gathered.

Other details

DBI360's use of any received information and transfer of it to any other application, from Google APIs will abide by Google's Limited Use Requirements.

Changes to this Policy

This Privacy Policy may (or may not) be amended periodically as our business processes and legal requirements change. If any amendment is done, we will notify you of the same by posting the modified Privacy Policy on our website. We will also indicate the effective date of modification.

Suppose you contradict the Privacy Policy or any amendments made to it. In that case, you should delete your account by following the procedure mentioned above and you should keep away from divulging any information to us.

How to Contact Us

If you have any suggestions, requests, queries, comments, concerns or grievances related to our Privacy Policy or general practices, please feel free to contact us at info@dbi360.com .

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